A Brief history of the Sacra di San Michele

The history of the Sacra di San Michele has very ancient roots. Around 983-987 San Giovanni Vincenzo, bishop of Ravenna, inspired by a vision of the archangel, began the construction of the church dedicated to San Michele on Mount Pirchiriano. The monastery experienced its most favorable season under the guidance of the Benedictines, who undertook to increase its fame and power throughout Europe. This flourishing period was followed by two centuries of decline with the suppression of the Benedictine order and the almost total abandonment of the monastic complex. A decisive change took place in 1836, when King Charles Albert of Savoy entrusted the Sacra di San Michele to Antonio Rosmini and the order he had just founded.

The Rosminian fathers are still the managers and custodians of the Abbey which, since 1994, has been recognized as a symbolic monument of the Piedmont Region.

A not indifferent peculiarity of the place is its being in the middle of the Line of St. Michael, an imaginary line that connects the seven main places of worship dedicated to the archangel and extends from Ireland to Israel. Legends narrate that this line is the symbolic representation of the sword of San Michele.

The project for the Sacra di San Michele

For the first time together, Spacecannon and Proietta set themselves the goal of creating a show capable of uniting people and blending mysticism, history, architecture and engineering.

Spacecannon provided its Leukos for this project, in order to enlighten the best sword of light possible.
